Alfreton Town vs Barnet, 2014/15 English Conference, 2014/2015 English Conference

· English National League
  • 90'+4': Bradley Wood (P)
1 - 1
  • 18': Curtis Weston


Alfreton Town are hosting Barnet at Impact Arena, , , starting on . The match is a part of the English National League.

Match Commentary

  • 0': Game on!
  • 1': Throw-in: Lathanial Rowe-Turner takes it (Attacking)
  • 1': Jimmy Phillips commits a foul on Nauro Vilhete resulting on a free kick for Barnet
  • 1': Sam Togwell takes a direct freekick with his right foot from the right channel. Outcome: open play
  • 1': Throw-in: Sam Muggleton takes it (Attacking)
  • 2': Jason Mooney takes a long goal kick
  • 2': Throw-in: Luke Graham takes it (Attacking)
  • 3': Throw-in: Elliot Johnson takes it (Defending)
  • 4': Throw-in: Bondz Ngala takes it (Defending)
  • 4': Throw-in: Daniel Bradley takes it (Attacking)
  • 4': Throw-in: Sam Muggleton takes it (Attacking)
  • 4': Jason Mooney takes a long goal kick
  • 5': Throw-in: Sam Muggleton takes it (Defending)
  • 5': Jason Mooney takes a long goal kick
  • 6': Conor Clifford crosses the ball. Outcome: out of play
  • 6': Bondz Ngala commits a foul on Jake Speight resulting on a free kick for Alfreton Town
  • 6': Tom Shaw takes a direct freekick with his right foot from the right channel. Outcome: open play
  • 7': Throw-in: Luke Graham takes it (Attacking)
  • 8': Nauro Vilhete hits a good right footed shot, but it is off target. Outcome: over bar
  • 8': Jason Mooney takes a long goal kick
  • 9': Throw-in: Luke Graham takes it (Attacking)
  • 9': Daniel Bradley crosses the ball. Outcome: foul
  • 9': Daniel Bradley commits a foul on Sam Muggleton resulting on a free kick for Barnet
  • 9': Graham Stack takes a direct freekick with his right foot from his own half. Outcome: open play
  • 10': Throw-in: Sam Muggleton takes it (Attacking)
  • 10': Jason Mooney takes a long goal kick
  • 10': Curtis Weston commits a foul on Lathanial Rowe-Turner resulting on a free kick for Alfreton Town
  • 10': Jason Mooney takes a direct freekick with his right foot from his own half. Outcome: open play
  • 11': Throw-in: Sam Muggleton takes it (Defending)
  • 12': Bondz Ngala commits a foul on Jake Speight resulting on a free kick for Alfreton Town
  • 12': Andi Thanoj takes a direct freekick with his right foot from the right channel. Outcome: open play
  • 12': Jason Mooney takes a long goal kick
  • 13': Offside called on Curtis Weston
  • 13': Jason Mooney takes a direct freekick with his right foot from his own half. Outcome: open play
  • 13': Throw-in: Elliot Johnson takes it (Attacking)
  • 14': Throw-in: Luke Graham takes it (Attacking)
  • 14': Throw-in: Sam Muggleton takes it (Defending)
  • 14': Throw-in: Luke Graham takes it (Defending)
  • 15': Throw-in: Luke Graham takes it (Defending)
  • 15': Throw-in: Sam Muggleton takes it (Attacking)
  • 16': John Akinde commits a foul on Jason Mooney resulting on a free kick for Alfreton Town
  • 16': Jason Mooney takes a direct freekick with his right foot from his own half. Outcome: open play
  • 17': Throw-in: Sam Muggleton takes it (Attacking)
  • 18': Throw-in: Sam Muggleton takes it (Attacking)
  • 18': Curtis Weston hits a good right footed shot. Outcome: goal
  • 18': Goal!! Curtis Weston hits a very good right footed shot low through the middle from the left 6 yard (aprox. 6 yards) and scores!! Barnet now leads 1 - 0
  • 19': That last goal was assisted by Nauro Vilhete (Header from Centre Penalty Area)
  • 20': Bradley Wood commits a foul on Curtis Weston resulting on a free kick for Barnet
  • 20': Elliot Johnson takes a direct freekick with his left foot from the right channel. Outcome: open play
  • 21': Jason Mooney takes a long goal kick
  • 21': Throw-in: Luke Graham takes it (Attacking)
  • 22': Throw-in: Luke Graham takes it (Attacking)
  • 22': John Akinde crosses the ball. Outcome: save
  • 22': Jason Mooney makes a very good save (Catch)
  • 23': Nauro Vilhete hits a good header. Outcome: save
  • 23': Jason Mooney makes a very good save (Catch)
  • 23': Throw-in: Luke Graham takes it (Attacking)
  • 24': Throw-in: Sam Muggleton takes it (Attacking)
  • 25': Throw-in: Sam Muggleton takes it (Attacking)
  • 26': Nauro Vilhete hits a good right footed shot, but it is off target. Outcome: miss right
  • 26': Jason Mooney takes a long goal kick
  • 26': Throw-in: Sam Muggleton takes it (Defending)
  • 27': Throw-in: Sam Muggleton takes it (Attacking)
  • 27': Throw-in: Luke Graham takes it (Defending)
  • 27': Throw-in: Jake Speight takes it (Defending)
  • 28': Graham Stack takes a long goal kick
  • 29': Throw-in: Luke Graham takes it (Defending)
  • 29': Graham Stack takes a long goal kick
  • 29': Throw-in: Luke Graham takes it (Attacking)
  • 30': Curtis Weston hits a good right footed shot, but it is off target. Outcome: miss left
  • 31': Sam Togwell commits a foul on Andi Thanoj resulting on a free kick for Alfreton Town
  • 31': Tom Shaw takes a direct freekick with his right foot from the right channel. Outcome: open play
  • 31': Throw-in: Bradley Wood takes it (Attacking)
  • 32': Tom Shaw takes the corner kick from the right byline with his right foot and hits an outswinger to the centre, resulting in: clearance
  • 32': Bondz Ngala clears the ball from danger.
  • 33': Throw-in: Luke Graham takes it (Attacking)
  • 33': Jason Mooney takes a long goal kick
  • 34': Throw-in: Sam Muggleton takes it (Defending)
  • 34': Throw-in: Sam Muggleton takes it (Defending)
  • 35': Throw-in: Daniel Bradley takes it (Attacking)
  • 35': Sam Muggleton crosses the ball. Outcome: clearance
  • 35': Simon Lenighan clears the ball from danger.
  • 35': Throw-in: Sam Muggleton takes it (Attacking)
  • 36': Throw-in: Sam Muggleton takes it (Attacking)
  • 36': Jason Mooney takes a long goal kick
  • 36': Daniel Bradley crosses the ball. Outcome: clearance
  • 36': Elliot Johnson clears the ball from danger.
  • 37': Tom Shaw takes the corner kick from the right byline with his right foot and hits an inswinger to the centre, resulting in: clearance
  • 37': Bondz Ngala clears the ball from danger.
  • 37': Jason Mooney takes a long goal kick
  • 37': Graham Stack takes a long goal kick
  • 39': Andi Thanoj commits a foul on Nauro Vilhete resulting on a free kick for Barnet
  • 39': Sam Togwell takes a direct freekick with his right foot from the right channel. Outcome: pass
  • 40': Conor Clifford hits a good right footed shot, but it is off target. Outcome: miss left
  • 40': Jason Mooney takes a long goal kick
  • 41': Throw-in: Luke Graham takes it (Defending)
  • 42': Throw-in: Sam Muggleton takes it (Defending)
  • 42': Throw-in: Callum Howe takes it (Attacking)
  • 43': Throw-in: Bradley Wood takes it (Attacking)
  • 43': Conor Clifford commits a foul on Jimmy Phillips resulting on a free kick for Alfreton Town
  • 44': Andi Thanoj takes a direct freekick with his right foot from the right channel. Outcome: shot
  • 44': Andi Thanoj hits a good right footed shot, but it is off target. Outcome: hit wall
  • 44': Graham Stack takes a long goal kick
  • 45': Jimmy Phillips commits a foul on Curtis Weston resulting on a free kick for Barnet
  • 45': Conor Clifford takes a direct freekick with his right foot from the left channel. Outcome: shot
  • 45': The referee has signaled the end of the first half
  • 45'+1': Conor Clifford hits a good right footed shot, but it is off target. Outcome: hit wall
  • 45'+1': Daniel Bradley crosses the ball. Outcome: clearance
  • 45'+1': Sam Togwell clears the ball from danger.
  • 45'+2': Conor Clifford commits a foul on Daniel Bradley resulting on a free kick for Alfreton Town
  • 45'+2': Conor Clifford is awarded a yellow card. Reason: unsporting behaviour
  • 45'+2': Andi Thanoj takes a direct freekick with his right foot from the right channel. Outcome: open play
  • 45': The second half is under way
  • 46': Barnet makes a sub: Michael Gash enters for Conor Clifford. Reason: Tactical
  • 46': John Akinde hits a good right footed shot. Outcome: save
  • 46': Jason Mooney makes a very good save (Parry)
  • 46': Sam Togwell takes the corner kick from the left byline with his right foot and hits an inswinger to the centre, resulting in: out of play
  • 47': Throw-in: Bradley Wood takes it (Defending)
  • 47': David Stephenson commits a foul on Jimmy Phillips resulting on a free kick for Alfreton Town
  • 47': Bradley Wood takes a direct freekick with his right foot from the left channel. Outcome: open play
  • 48': Graham Stack takes a long goal kick
  • 48': Throw-in: Sam Muggleton takes it (Defending)
  • 48': John Akinde crosses the ball. Outcome: out of play
  • 48': Throw-in: Bradley Wood takes it (Defending)
  • 49': John Akinde commits a foul on Lathanial Rowe-Turner resulting on a free kick for Alfreton Town
  • 49': Jason Mooney takes a direct freekick with his right foot from the left channel. Outcome: open play
  • 49': Bradley Wood crosses the ball. Outcome: save
  • 50': Graham Stack makes a very good save (Other)
  • 50': Graham Stack takes a long goal kick
  • 50': Throw-in: Luke Graham takes it (Attacking)
  • 51': Tom Shaw takes the corner kick from the right byline with his right foot and hits an inswinger to the centre, resulting in: clearance
  • 51': Bondz Ngala clears the ball from danger.
  • 52': Throw-in: Sam Muggleton takes it (Attacking)
  • 52': Andy Yiadom crosses the ball. Outcome: shot
  • 52': Nauro Vilhete hits a good header, but it is off target. Outcome: over bar
  • 52': Jason Mooney takes a long goal kick
  • 53': Throw-in: Bradley Wood takes it (Attacking)
  • 54': Nauro Vilhete commits a foul on Jimmy Phillips resulting on a free kick for Alfreton Town
  • 54': Andi Thanoj takes a direct freekick with his right foot from the left channel. Outcome: pass
  • 54': Jimmy Phillips hits a good right footed shot. Outcome: save
  • 54': Graham Stack makes a very good save (Tip Over)
  • 54': Tom Shaw takes the corner kick from the right byline with his right foot and hits an outswinger to the centre, resulting in: shot
  • 55': Lathanial Rowe-Turner hits a good header, but it is off target. Outcome: miss left
  • 55': Throw-in: Sam Muggleton takes it (Defending)
  • 56': Jason Mooney takes a long goal kick
  • 56': Throw-in: Bradley Wood takes it (Attacking)
  • 57': Offside called on Jake Speight
  • 57': Graham Stack takes a direct freekick with his right foot from his own half. Outcome: open play
  • 58': Alfreton Town makes a sub: Niall Heaton enters for Tom Shaw. Reason: Tactical
  • 59': Throw-in: Bradley Wood takes it (Attacking)
  • 59': Throw-in: Luke Graham takes it (Defending)
  • 60': Throw-in: Luke Graham takes it (Defending)
  • 60': Barnet makes a sub: Lee Cook enters for Sam Muggleton. Reason: Tactical
  • 61': Throw-in: Luke Graham takes it (Defending)
  • 62': Jason Mooney crosses the ball. Outcome: out of play
  • 62': Graham Stack takes a long goal kick
  • 63': Jason Mooney takes a long goal kick
  • 63': Throw-in: Luke Graham takes it (Defending)
  • 64': Graham Stack takes a long goal kick
  • 65': Graham Stack takes a long goal kick
  • 66': Throw-in: Andy Yiadom takes it (Defending)
  • 66': Throw-in: Andy Yiadom takes it (Attacking)
  • 67': Alfreton Town makes a sub: Joe Ironside enters for Jimmy Phillips. Reason: Tactical
  • 67': Alfreton Town makes a sub: Joe Leesly enters for Simon Lenighan. Reason: Tactical
  • 68': Throw-in: Andy Yiadom takes it (Attacking)
  • 69': Throw-in: Niall Heaton takes it (Attacking)
  • 69': Throw-in: Niall Heaton takes it (Attacking)
  • 69': Joe Ironside commits a foul on Andy Yiadom resulting on a free kick for Barnet
  • 69': Andy Yiadom takes a direct freekick with his right foot from the right channel. Outcome: open play
  • 70': Throw-in: Andy Yiadom takes it (Attacking)
  • 70': Andy Yiadom crosses the ball. Outcome: shot
  • 70': John Akinde hits a good right footed shot. Outcome: save
  • 70': Jason Mooney makes a very good save (Catch)
  • 70': Throw-in: Lee Cook takes it (Attacking)
  • 71': Graham Stack takes a long goal kick
  • 71': Michael Gash hits a good right footed shot, but it is off target. Outcome: over bar
  • 71': Jason Mooney takes a long goal kick
  • 72': Throw-in: Luke Graham takes it (Attacking)
  • 73': Throw-in: Niall Heaton takes it (Attacking)
  • 74': Jake Speight commits a foul on Nauro Vilhete resulting on a free kick for Barnet
  • 74': Jake Speight is awarded a yellow card. Reason: unsporting behaviour
  • 74': Graham Stack takes a direct freekick with his right foot from his own half. Outcome: open play
  • 75': John Akinde hits a good right footed shot. Outcome: save
  • 75': Jason Mooney makes a very good save (Catch)
  • 75': Jason Mooney takes a long goal kick
  • 76': Lathanial Rowe-Turner commits a foul on Michael Gash resulting on a free kick for Barnet
  • 77': Lee Cook takes a direct freekick with his right foot from the left channel. Outcome: pass
  • 77': Niall Heaton takes the corner kick from the right byline with his left foot and passes it to a teammate resulting in: open play
  • 78': Niall Heaton crosses the ball. Outcome: clearance
  • 78': John Akinde clears the ball from danger.
  • 78': Graham Stack takes a long goal kick
  • 80': Throw-in: Bradley Wood takes it (Attacking)
  • 81': Throw-in: Andy Yiadom takes it (Defending)
  • 82': Throw-in: Andy Yiadom takes it (Attacking)
  • 82': Throw-in: Bradley Wood takes it (Attacking)
  • 82': Handball called on Joe Ironside
  • 82': Michael Gash takes a direct freekick with his right foot from the right channel. Outcome: open play
  • 83': Throw-in: Nauro Vilhete takes it (Attacking)
  • 84': Andy Yiadom crosses the ball. Outcome: shot
  • 84': John Akinde hits a good right footed shot, but it is off target. Outcome: hit bar
  • 84': Callum Howe takes a long goal kick
  • 84': Throw-in: Bradley Wood takes it (Attacking)
  • 84': Throw-in: Michael Gash takes it (Defending)
  • 85': Throw-in: Sam Togwell takes it (Attacking)
  • 86': Joe Leesly takes the corner kick from the right byline with his left foot and hits an inswinger to the centre, resulting in: out of play
  • 86': Graham Stack takes a long goal kick
  • 87': Lee Cook takes the corner kick from the right byline with his left foot and hits an inswinger to the centre, resulting in: clearance
  • 87': Niall Heaton clears the ball from danger.
  • 88': Throw-in: Sam Togwell takes it (Defending)
  • 89': Nauro Vilhete hits a good right footed shot, but it is off target. Outcome: blocked
  • 89': Joe Ironside blocks the shot
  • 90': Andi Thanoj commits a foul on Curtis Weston resulting on a free kick for Barnet
  • 90': Andi Thanoj is awarded a yellow card. Reason: unsporting behaviour
  • 90': Elliot Johnson takes a direct freekick with his right foot from the left channel. Outcome: open play
  • 90': The referee has signaled the end of the second half
  • 90': End of the game
  • 90'+1': Throw-in: Bradley Wood takes it (Attacking)
  • 90'+2': Throw-in: Bradley Wood takes it (Attacking)
  • 90'+3': Andy Yiadom crosses the ball. Outcome: foul
  • 90'+3': Andy Yiadom commits a foul on Joe Leesly resulting on a penalty for Alfreton Town
  • 90'+4': Bradley Wood powers the penalty kick with his right foot to the lower left corner and scores!! The goalkeeper guessed correctly but could not stop the shot.
  • 90'+5': Graham Stack takes a long goal kick
  • 90'+5': Lee Cook takes the corner kick from the right byline with his left foot and hits an inswinger to the centre, resulting in: open play

Statistics ALF
11 Fouls 9
1 Yellow Cards 2
0 Red Cards 0
1 Offsides 1
3 Corner Kicks 6
2 Saves 5
52 Possession 48
14 SHOTS 4
0.4 On Target % 0.5
0 Penalty Goals 1
0 Penalty Kicks Taken 1
0 Accurate Passes 0
0 Passes 0
0.0 Pass Completion % 0.0
3 Accurate Crosses 0
8 Crosses 6
0.4 Cross % 0.0
0 Long Balls 0
0 Accurate Long Balls 0
0.0 Long Balls % 0.0
0 Blocked Shots 1
0 Effective Tackles 0
0 Tackles 0
0.0 Tackle % 0.0
0 Interceptions 0
0 Effective Clearances 0
6 Clearances 2

Game Information

Competition: English National League

Venue: Impact Arena
Location: ,
Attendance: 989


ALF Alfreton Town

No. Name
20 Jason Mooney (GK)
5 Luke Graham
28 Callum Howe
3 Lathanial Rowe-Turner
2 Bradley Wood
10 Daniel Bradley
29 Jimmy Phillips
21 Andi Thanoj Yellow Card
25 Simon Lenighan
12 Tom Shaw
7 Jake Speight Yellow Card

BAR Barnet

No. Name
1 Graham Stack (GK)
5 Bondz Ngala
6 David Stephens
3 Elliot Johnson
17 Sam Muggleton
2 Andy Yiadom
16 Nauro Vilhete
14 Sam Togwell
41 Conor Clifford Yellow Card
8 Curtis Weston
9 John Akinde

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