UEFA Champions League

Bayern Munich vs Celtic, 2003/04 UEFA Champions League, 2003 First Phase

· UEFA Champions League
  • 73': Roy Makaay
  • 86': Roy Makaay
2 - 1
  • 56': Alan Thompson


Bayern Munich are hosting Celtic at Olympiastadion Berlin, Berlin, Germany, starting on . The match is a part of the UEFA Champions League.

Match Commentary

  • 0': A 'monumental challenge' - in Martin O'Neil's words - awaiting Celtic at the Olympic Stadium. All the action here from 19.45 BST
  • 0': After last season's adventures, it's the big boys and they don't come better than this - FC Hollywood themselves, Bayern Munich.
  • 0': Here's the starting line-ups: Bayern - Bayern Munich: Kahn, Sagnol, Lizarazu, Kovac, Makaay, Ze Roberto, Ballack, Pizarro, Salihamidzic, Hargreaves, Linke.
  • 0': And Celtic: Hedman, McNamara, Balde, Varga, Agathe, Thompson, Petrov, Lennon, Sutton, Hartson, Larsson
  • 0': A few injuries for both sides - Bayern are without Deisler while Valgaeren, Mjallby, Crainey and Lambert are all absent for the Bhoys.
  • 0': A sea of hoops greet the teams. A vast contingent from Scotland, Ireland, London, whereever.
  • 0': The traditional Celtic huddle breaks up and it's away we go.
  • 0': Bayern get the game underway. They choose a slow build-up. Kovac hassled by Larsson. Ballack loses the ball on the edge of the Celtic box.
  • 1': Larsson forces a handball from Kovac. Thompson hits the ball long.
  • 2': He misses Hartson's head and it's a throw-in. Balde gets it back. He wins a throw too.
  • 3': Celtic pressure now. McNamara hits it for Sutton but the ball is cleared. Hartson is offside when the ball is played back.
  • 3': Lizarazu feeds Ze Roberto. Varga gets the ball away.
  • 4': Hargreaves forced to play it all the way back to Kovacs. Celtic clear through Lennon.
  • 5': Long ball from Thompson to Larsson but Kahn is out to claim.
  • 6': Agathe down the right. Bayern have to scramble the ball away. Sutton was lurking. Corner.
  • 7': Which Thompson overhits. And the ball goes back to Kahn. A chance wasted really.
  • 8': Salihamidzic uses his pace but can't keep the ball in play. Goal-kick.
  • 9': Kovac does well under pressure from Larsson. Bayern build slowly.
  • 10': Kahn stone-faced after Hartson was allowed to get in a shot.
  • 11': It came to little though. Sagnol breaks up another Celtic attack.
  • 12': Not much of a spectacle so far. But few can have expected it from these teams.
  • 14': Chance to get the ball in for Thompson....Drilled in and Kovac is strong to claim it with his head.
  • 14': Varga's follow-up doesn't trouble Kahn.
  • 15': Makaay has a breath of a chance but the ball squirts back to Hedman. Celtic waste possession and Kahn has it.
  • 16': Foul on Ze Roberto from Petrov. Sutton stops Linke's charge. He's done well in midfield so far.
  • 17': Agathe fouls Ze Roberto. But Thompson gets the ball and hits it long. Kahn has to charge out to head out.
  • 17': Petrov released after a dribble from Larsson.
  • 19': Two corners forced. But Bayern clear up some snatched efforts from both Thompson and McNamara.
  • 19': Chipped ball from Ballack for Makaay but Hedman does well.
  • 19': In London, it's 1-0 to Inter as Arsenal take a setback.
  • 20': Here, Celtic are holding their own. But Ballack gets a chance. He shoots from 40 yards. Doesn't even beat the first man.
  • 20': Varga clears a Ze Roberto flick. Both teams defending well.
  • 21': And at Highbury it's 2-0 to Inter - Wenger's face probably a picture.
  • 21': Back to Germany and the attrition continues. That's until Sutton breaks and crosses for Hartson. Just a bit too high for him.
  • 25': Larsson offside from a Hedman goal-kick. A tactic we're likely to see a lot of tonight.
  • 27': Bayern playing a cagey game, though Celtic are even cagier. Ze Roberto's theatrics win a free-kick from Agathe.
  • 28': Hargreaves drifts a dipper round the post and wide of the post. Hedman struggled to get there.
  • 29': Sutton looked to be fouled as Larsson's shot is blocked.
  • 29': No free-kick but Celtic continue their attacks.
  • 29': Until Sagnol breaks, and Makaay fires wide of the post. A few boos ring out from the Bayern faithful.
  • 31': Kovacs fouls Larsson. The Swede hurt. Celtic will launch one into the box.
  • 32': Kahn had no problem in claiming. Celtic's good period needs a goal. Bayern will come on strong surely.
  • 33': Salihamidzic creates a chance for Pizarro. A snap shot drifts over the bar.
  • 34': Agathe down the wing but the ball is cleared. Ballack bursts away but Sutton stops him. He won the ball but took the man. And gets a yellow card.
  • 36': Again, it's a period of cagey play. Who can make something? Not Ze Roberto, who's pass can only balloon to Hedman. Bayern fans booing now.
  • 37': Ballack spins on a nice pass from Salihamidzic. Makaay was there but he smashes it into the stalls.
  • 39': More boos after a Sagnol pass finds only Balde. Agathe's cross to Hartson at the back post but it misses him. Goal-kick again.
  • 40': Thompson with another free-kick. Balde gets up to it. Looping header and a great save from Kahn to stop it dropping in.
  • 40': 3-0 to Inter now. Disaster for Arsenal.
  • 41': Celtic have played the better and more enterprising stuff. Only Kahn stopping them getting a lead.
  • 42': Petrov and Agathe link up the side. Larsson gets a cross in....Hartson nods back. Kovacs had to smash away. Good play all round.
  • 43': Hargreaves fails to control a through pass. More terrace disquiet. They could be Arsenal so can count themselves lucky.
  • 44': Ballack makes a penalty claim. He dived when two players outnumbered them in the box.
  • 45': But now Balde concedes a free-kick. Half-time looms and they must clear the ball. Ze Roberto's kick is knocked behind and that is the last action of the half.
  • 45': Just like last season, Celtic have been strong away from home. Bayern frustrated. O'Neill's gameplan working so far.
  • 45': The men in green have been well-supported and the thousands who have made the trip clap on their heroes.
  • 45': The ball is played around the back by Celtic and then launched for Sutton. Hartson offside from a Lennon slide-rule.
  • 46': Long hoof from Hedman goes off the end of the pitch. Not much of a spectacle yet.
  • 47': McNamara and Lennon stop Ballack. But Salihamidzic forces a corner.
  • 48': Flicked on by Linke. Header for Makaay. He hits the top of the net. A glaring miss from the Dutchman.
  • 49': Nice flick to Makaay but Lennon sweeps up. More Bayern pressure in this half.
  • 49': Boris Becker is here tonight. Watch out for cupboards, Boris. They get you into trouble.
  • 50': Great cross from Makaay. Ballack misses it but Ze Roberto tries to head on goal. He misses the target, another blown Bayern chance.
  • 51': Varga stops a Ze Roberto charge. But the ball to Hartson is off-target.
  • 52': Hargreaves breaks up the play, gives it to Ze Roberto. Lizarazu booms in a cross. Balde clears under pressure from Salihamidzic.
  • 53': Sagnol's kick is overhit and Hedman is happy to kick it clear.
  • 54': Sagnol on the burst. But Lennon is wise to his pass. Ze Roberto has to foul the onrushing Agathe.
  • 55': Thompson's cross blocked by Sagnol. He does a good job of stopping Sutton too.
  • 57': A great ball across the goal Agathe. Thompson ghost on to the back post and nods home with a diving header. 1-0 to Celtic. Dreamland!
  • 58': A great goal. Against the run of play in this half. But Celtic deserve this for all their effort.
  • 59': But Bayern are a wounded beast now. Shades of last year for them and they won't want a repeat of that. Thompson back in his own box to clear a cross now.
  • 60': What a party in the Celtic end. A few beers will be supped tonight, whatever the result.
  • 61': A long free-kick and Pizarro can only win a corner. That's wasted as Salihamidzic nods the ball down. He was put off by Makaay.
  • 62': Ballack fouls Varga. Frustration showing now?
  • 63': A foul on Larsson from Sagnol. No card shown and he was lucky.
  • 63': Thompson kick forces a corner when Kovac nods behind.
  • 64': Petrov's cross is palmed away by Kahn. Agathe lashes the ball goalwards. Just over the ball. He kept it down well.
  • 66': A change for Celtic as Liam Miller, the youngster, replaces John Hartson. Number 43 is Miller. Sutton goes up alongside Henrik Larsson.
  • 67': Makaay makes a run. He lays it off to Ballack. Nice hit but Hedman gets across very well. Good save.
  • 68': Miller wins a throw. Kovacs nods away. The ball's where they want it to be.
  • 69': Nice flick from Sutton and the ball is cleared. But then Lizarazu has to head behind a Thompson cross.
  • 70': A great cross finds Balde with the freedom of Munchen. He heads over. That could be vital.
  • 71': Ballack has two efforts blocked before Ze Roberto's cross finds Makaay. He can't beat Hedman from there.
  • 72': The ball is crossed in and Varga heads away but only to Makaay. A neat hit and Hedman didn't have time to get to a scuffed shot. 1-1. A great goal from him.
  • 73': Bayern score when they looked under more pressure. Celtic must hold their nerve to get a vital point.
  • 74': Santa Cruz comes on for Bayern. More reinforcements up the front. Celtic are in for a worrying last 15 mins.
  • 75': Bayern looking to push home their momentum. But Miller gets back well.
  • 76': A few claps from those hard-to-please Bayern fans.
  • 76': Larsson holds the ball up well to slip in Thompson. Linke comes across to knock behind for corner.
  • 77': Which is cleared. McNamara stopped Makaay getting away as Lennon was beaten for pace.
  • 79': Pizarro finds Rau, on for Lizarazu. Balde blocks no less than four shots from Ballack, Makaay, Haregreaves and Ballack again. Heroic stuff from the Guinean.
  • 81': Agathe got round the back of Rau. But Sutton and Larsson misjudged his run and Kovacs can clear the ball.
  • 82': Miller, showing little fear on his big night in the limelight, fouls Hargreaves. Makaay gets a chance for a header. He misses the target by a mile.
  • 84': Varga clears. Pressure is intense from Bayern here. Balde clears the ball before Ze Roberto gets a chance after some Santa Cruz magic. The Brazilian misses. A very bad miss too. Not been his night at all.
  • 85': Rau goes down under an Agathe challenge. A play-acting Rau shows off his supposedly damaged arm.
  • 85': Makaay now gets a chance to cross. He looks for Ballack but it evades him. Sadly, Hedman missed it too. And it drifts into the back of the net. 2-1 to Bayern and that's hard on Celtic.
  • 87': But a Celtic corner chance now. Petrov's kick is cleared. Santa Cruz breaks.
  • 88': Long kick from Hedman can't find a Celt. Balde is being moved up-front. He'll be the target.
  • 89': Sutton miscues when Balde found him with the ball. A tired looking Bhoy.
  • 89': Ballack fires in a long-range grubber. Hedman gets down well to palm away.
  • 90': Celtic clear the corner. And Linke stops Sutton. Rau charges away. Bayern run down the clock.
  • 90': And they hold on. Bayern had to work hard for their win. Celtic played very well indeed but their efforts fell to the class of Makaay.
  • 90': Celtic will face Lyon and need to get points. They can take heart from a fine showing tonight.

Game Information

Competition: UEFA Champions League

Venue: Olympiastadion Berlin
Location: Berlin, Germany
Attendance: 48,500

UEFA Champions League Standings

1 Liverpool 8 +12 21
2 Barcelona 8 +15 19
3 Arsenal 8 +13 19
4 Internazionale 8 +10 19
Full Standings


MUN Bayern Munich

No. Name
1 Oliver Kahn (GK)
2 Willy Sagnol
3 Bixente Lizarazu
5 Robert Kovac
25 Thomas Linke
11 Zé Roberto
13 Michael Ballack
20 Hasan Salihamidzic
23 Owen Hargreaves
10 Roy Makaay
14 Claudio Pizarro

CEL Celtic

No. Name
21 Magnus Hedman (GK)
4 Jackie McNamara
6 Bobo Balde
23 Stanislav Varga
8 Alan Thompson
19 Stilian Petrov
18 Neil Lennon
17 Didier Agathe
9 Chris Sutton Yellow Card
10 John Hartson
7 Henrik Larsson

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