![UEFA Champions League](https://a.espncdn.com/combiner/i?img=/i/leaguelogos/soccer/500/2.png?w=40&h=40)
Celtic vs Bayern Munich, 2003/04 UEFA Champions League, 2003 First Phase
· UEFA Champions LeagueAbout
Celtic are hosting Bayern Munich
at Celtic Park, Glasgow, Scotland, starting on
. The match is a part of the UEFA Champions League.
Match Commentary
- 0': Victory for Celtic over Bayern Munich will almost guarantee the Bhoys a place in the knockout phase of the Champions Leagues. Join us from 19.45 GMT for live commentary.
- 0': Magnus Hedman is between the posts for Celtic as they prepare to start a match that, if they win, would almost certainly put out the Germans and see them through to the last 16. An shaky derby victory at the weekend for Bayern will have to be improved upon if they want to win and look to progress at Celtic's expense.
- 1': First free kick awarded to Bayern who give it away and allow Celtic a first attack which breaks down
- 2': Long ball up to Hartson, knock down and a Sutton strike that is comfortably saved by Kahn
- 3': Larsson collects and runs at the entire German defence who back off until the Swede shoots and earns Celtic a corner
- 4': Short corner is flicked on by Petrov for Larsson to angle a header only inches wide
- 5': Long goal kick from Bayern sees them attacking down the left but Balde calmly tackles and puts the ball back down the pitch
- 5': Tidy posession football from Bayern takes them all around the pitch but as McNamara pressurises they are forced back to their keeper
- 6': Tidy posession football from Bayern takes them all around the pitch but as McNamara pressurises they are forced back to their keeper
- 7': Good, quick feet from Hartson on the edge of the box sees him try a cheeky chip that Kahn watches harmlessly drift over the bar
- 9': Exchange of passes between Santa Cruz and Ballack releases Salihamidzic as a man over on the left but the chance is squandered
- 10': Salihamidzic is closed down by Lennon on the left wing and the Germans have a long throw that is easily cleared
- 11': Kovac is pulled up for a foul on Hartson as he waits for a long pass to reach him. Free-kick in a very dangerous position, in front of goal, 25 yards out.
- 12': Larsson drives a cracking shot low and hard around the wall but Kahn, who must have seen it late, got down to his left a beat the effort away
- 13': Thompson played a quick one-two with Larsson and Ballack is forced to foul the Englishman as the tries to stop his forward momentum. But the free-kick is easily dealt with.
- 15': Posession is not retained for long by either team. Snap shot from the Germans which takes a deflection but ends up in Hedman's hands
- 16': Bayern have a pass cut out by the quick thinking of Agathe. He gets the ball to Larsson who slaloms past a couple of red shirts before getting off a shot that is straight and true but right in to the keeper's hands
- 18': Bayern come forward but rather than waiting for support Lizarazu tries from all of 30 yards and the result is predictably poor. Hedman collects.
- 19': Hargreaves free-kick is blocked by Lennon
- 21': Thompson is fouled as he tries to leap over the challenge of Sagnol. A blatant foul and Thompson tells the referee in no uncertain terms that that is the third such challenge
- 22': Sagnol's card is obviously marked now as Lennon clatters into him just outside the Bayern area. A foul this tyime to the Germans
- 23': Hedman is forced to make his first meaningful save of the match from a dipping Ballack effort which he just tips over
- 25': Agathe tests Lizarazu's pace for the first time in the match but the Frenchman is up to it, forcing the ball out of play deep in his own area
- 27': Surge down the right, this time from Petrov, allows him to send a ball over to the unmarked Hartson who tries to delicately lay it off for strike partner Sutton. The touch is too weak though and Hartson, who had more time than he realised, sees the chance go begging
- 28': A battle is emerging in the midfield enginee room between Lennon and Ballack
- 29': Hartson wins his third free-kick off the Bayern centre backs waiting for the long ball to drop.
- 30': The industrious and lively Larsson is everywhere at the moment and a cross of his is deflected for a corner
- 31': The corner is met well by the towering Balde but he is unable to direct it goalwards
- 32': After a couple of balls into the box a half chance opens up for the furthest forward Celtic player - but it is Balde who, despite doing well to move his body into a shoting stance is unable to pull the trigger
- 34': Kahn can't hold onto a cross under pressure and spills it to Petrov. But Bayern get bodies in the way and the block eludes Celtic players who are following up
- 35': After a disjointed opening half hour the volume at Parkhead has taken an uncharacteristic dip
- 36': A long deep cross from Thompson picks out Hartson at the back post. He muscles himself into a position to nod the ball back, intended for Larsson but claimed bravelky by Kahn
- 37': A Thompson corner and once more Hartson wins his struggle to meet it. The header appeared on target until a desperate leg was stuck in the way from Hargreaves on the post. The referee misses it though and awards a goal kick instead of a corner
- 39': Celtic are rattled at the back by a couple of their own errors. Hedman struggles to clear, despite two opportunities but eventually his defenders help out
- 40': A lovely through ball from Ballack puts Santa Cruz clear and bearing down on goal until the alert Hedman races out to the edge of his box to make a strong, close range save. The danger is not over though and again it is Hedman who is alert enough to be first to the loose ball
- 42': A foul throw from Santa Cruz - a professional footballer
- 43': Sloppy play from both sides sees them exchange posession a number of times in the midfield area
- 45': The first half comes to an end with the score still at 0-0. The game has been played with full commitment and a whole heap of effort but with no end result as of yet. Passes have gone astray in a busy midfield and clear chances have been few. Definitely more to come from both sides
- 46': Immediately into the second half and it is Celtic who are attacking, putting the Bayern defence under pressure but it comes to nothing
- 47': Hartson's strength again to the fore as he hustles the Bayern backline into making mistakes but the pressure is releaved after a McNamara foul
- 48': A Hargreaves corner is met by Santa Cruz but he cannot find the target
- 49': Celtic maintain a short period of posession but the skillfull Germans seem content to shepherd them away from goal until mistakes are made
- 51': Hartson wins yet another fouls as Jeremies puts his arm across the strikers face. Hartson is not happy about this and lets the Bayern player know about it
- 53': The first yellow card of the match is shown to Sagnol after he prevents Thompson from taking a quick free-kick
- 54': The second yellow is not much longer in coming as Kuffour enters the referee's notebook for upending Larsson who had turned him on the half-way line
- 56': Celtic seem keen to raise the tempo of the game and force the issue but mistakes and tenacious defending by the opposition are interupting any rhythm the Scots build up. Bayern are content, it seems, to sit back and play on the break, though to date this has yet to really create anything for them
- 57': Celtic seem keen to raise the tempo of the game and force the issue but mistakes and tenacious defending by the opposition are interupting any rhythm the Scots build up. Bayern are content, it seems, to sit back and play on the break, though to date this has yet to really create anything for them
- 58': Sutton harried and chased down Jeremies with the ball until he gave it back to his keeper. Directly from that pressure Celtic won back the ball and a third Bayern man is booked - Lizarzu - for a foul on Petrov
- 60': A break from Bayern sees them with Makaay in space. Agathe races back to cover the danger but hurts himself and can only clear to Salihamidzic. Thompson fouls him, though he does make a meal of it, and earns a caution that means he will miss Celtic's final group game
- 62': Agathe can't carry on and Martin O'Niell makes his first change. On comes Lee Miller to a massive reception from the home crowd
- 63': A Bayern attack breaks down and Celtic come forward with first, Larsson and later in the same move with Hartson who needs two defenders in close attention to stop him getting a shot away but he does win a corner.
- 65': The corner finds Sutton in some space but as he tries to angle a cute header into the net he gets his angles marginally wrong and the ball goes wide
- 68': Sutton continues to be work rate and industry personified at both ends of the field for Celtic whilst Hartsons strength ahead of the attack promises to produce a chance sooner rather than later
- 69': Bayern start to pass the ball around and play for the first time in a while in their opponents half. Kovac is felled, around 35 yards out but still, Hargreaves has a shot from the resulting free-kick. It never even looks like troubling Hedman in the Celtic goal.
- 71': Celtic again try to force the issue and good work down the left from Thompson, Larsson and Miller comes to nothing as the Bayern backline does its job admirably
- 72': Bayern replace striker Santa Cruz, in a like-for-like swap, with Claudio Pizarro.
- 74': Bayern's patience looks to have produced a real chance as Ballack has time to line up a shot from outside the area but drags it well wide in the end
- 75': After a few minute spell where Celtic are starting to look short of an idea or two, Thompson puts a ball aimed for Hartson to the back post. The angle is right but he put just too much on it and the ball runs away from the striker.
- 77': The crowd are unusually quiet as Bayern start to get a bit more ball and the fans begin to get anxious as to where a goal may come from for Celtic
- 79': Kahn has to be at his most dominating as Hartson goes up for a cross he would fancy but the German keeper powers a strong punch away
- 80': The tension in the air is palpable as both sides are looking to give nothing away in the dying minutes
- 82': Bayern win a free-kick deep in the Celtic half down the left hand channel that is whipped in by Hargreaves but with too much venom and it goes out for a goal-kick
- 84': Celtic's hard work is nearly undone when Hedman comes to clear and the ball cannons of one of his own defenders and looks, though only for a moment, as if it is goalbound. Hedman escapes and is able to tidy up the mess
- 85': John Hartson, who has worked like a horse for the entire match, is taken off and replaced withMomo Sylla to freshen up the side for the final few minutes
- 87': Jeremies and Larsson tangle and tensions spill over for a moment until play resumes with a Bayern free-kick in their own half
- 89': Fouls are becoming the norm as this time Miller is fouled as he tries to bring the ball out of defence
- 90': Stoppage time of three minutes in announced as the Glasgow crowd collectively hold their breath
- 90': A long punt from Thompson sees Kahn worried enough to palm the ball over the bar even though it would not have caused a problem if left. Nothing comes from the corner
- 90': Kahn is booked for time wasting as the game enters its final 60 seconds
- 90': Celtic have a throw just inside the Bayern half and this will surely be the start of their final attack of the match
- 90': The final whistle is sounded and the points are shared
- 90': Celtic's 100% home record in the Champions League is lost to a nil-nil draw. The enormity of the occassion was matched by effort but ultimately lacked the spark needed to break down a very tough Bayern backline. The Germans clearly came with a plan of first making sure they didn't lose and then looking to score on the break and they achieved their primary objective. A draw was a fair result in a match that contained too many errors to have been a classic but was engaging for the full 93 minutes
Game Information
Competition: UEFA Champions League
Venue: Celtic Park
Location: Glasgow, Scotland
Attendance: 59,506
Venue: Celtic Park
Location: Glasgow, Scotland
Attendance: 59,506
UEFA Champions League Standings
# | TEAM | GP | GD | PTS |
1 | Liverpool | 8 | +12 | 21 |
2 | Barcelona | 8 | +15 | 19 |
3 | Arsenal | 8 | +13 | 19 |
4 | Internazionale | 8 | +10 | 19 |
No. | Name |
21 | Magnus Hedman (GK) |
23 | Stanislav Varga |
6 | Bobo Balde |
4 | Jackie McNamara |
18 | Neil Lennon |
19 | Stilian Petrov |
8 | Alan Thompson ![]() |
17 | Didier Agathe |
9 | Chris Sutton |
7 | Henrik Larsson |
10 | John Hartson |
Bayern Munich
No. | Name |
1 | Oliver Kahn (GK) ![]() |
2 | Willy Sagnol ![]() |
4 | Samuel Kuffour ![]() |
5 | Robert Kovac |
3 | Bixente Lizarazu ![]() |
20 | Hasan Salihamidzic |
16 | Jens Jeremies |
13 | Michael Ballack |
23 | Owen Hargreaves |
10 | Roy Makaay |
24 | Roque Santa Cruz |
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